mobile car detailing

Covering Southern Santa Barbara County

choose your wash

  • Placeholder



    the tsunami includes

    -External/internal washing of vehicle

    -Full interior vacuuming

    -Window cleaning

    -Air freshening

    -Paint Sealant

    -UV protection around all exterior plastic

    -Interior plastic polishing

    -Tire/Brake cleaning

    -Tire shine

    -Steam cleaning

    -Shampooing seats

    -Shampooing carpet

    -Full extraction

    -Polishing plastic

    -Compressed air cleaning

    -Pet hair removal

  • Whirlpool


    The Whirlpool includes

    -Full exterior wash

    -PH balanced pre wash

    -Iron removal

    -Contact wash

    -Paint sealant

    -Window cleaning

    -Brake/tire cleaning

    -UV plastic protection

  • The Barrel


    The Barrel includes

    -Full interior wash

    -Full interior vacuuming

    -Compressed air cleaning

    -Steam cleaning

    -Shampooing carpets

    -Shampooing seats

    -Full extraction

    -Polishing plastic

    -Pet hair removal

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